Meters to Chains (m to ch)

Chains to Meters (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Meters to Chains formula

ch =
m * 0.049710
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More information: Meters


1 m is equivalent to 1.0936 yards, or 39.370 inches.

Since 1983, the metre has been officially defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.


Meters to Chains formula

ch =
m * 0.049710


Unit of length equal to 66 feet, used especially in the U.S. public land surveys. The original measuring instrument (Gunter's chain) was literally a chain consisting of 100 iron links, each 7.92 inches long. Steel-ribbon tapes began to supersede chains around 1900, but surveying tapes are often still called "chains" and measuring with a tape is often called "chaining". The chain is a convenient unit in cadastral surveys because 10 square chains equal 1 acre.


Meters to Chains table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000m0ch -21.872yd
-19.000m0ch -20.779yd
-18.000m0ch -19.685yd
-17.000m0ch -18.591yd
-16.000m0ch -17.498yd
-15.000m0ch -16.404yd
-14.000m0ch -15.311yd
-13.000m0ch -14.217yd
-12.000m0ch -13.123yd
-11.000m0ch -12.030yd
-10.000m0ch -10.936yd
-9.0000m0ch -9.8425yd
-8.0000m0ch -8.7489yd
-7.0000m0ch -7.6553yd
-6.0000m0ch -6.5617yd
-5.0000m0ch -5.4681yd
-4.0000m0ch -4.3744yd
-3.0000m0ch -3.2808yd
-2.0000m0ch -2.1872yd
-1.0000m0ch -1.0936yd
Meters Chains
0.0000m 0ch 0.0000yd
1.0000m 0ch 1.0936yd
2.0000m 0ch 2.1872yd
3.0000m 0ch 3.2808yd
4.0000m 0ch 4.3744yd
5.0000m 0ch 5.4681yd
6.0000m 0ch 6.5617yd
7.0000m 0ch 7.6553yd
8.0000m 0ch 8.7489yd
9.0000m 0ch 9.8425yd
10.000m 0ch 10.936yd
11.000m 0ch 12.030yd
12.000m 0ch 13.123yd
13.000m 0ch 14.217yd
14.000m 0ch 15.311yd
15.000m 0ch 16.404yd
16.000m 0ch 17.498yd
17.000m 0ch 18.591yd
18.000m 0ch 19.685yd
19.000m 0ch 20.779yd
Meters Chains
20.000m 0ch 21.872yd
21.000m 1ch 0.96583yd
22.000m 1ch 2.0594yd
23.000m 1ch 3.1531yd
24.000m 1ch 4.2467yd
25.000m 1ch 5.3403yd
26.000m 1ch 6.4339yd
27.000m 1ch 7.5275yd
28.000m 1ch 8.6211yd
29.000m 1ch 9.7147yd
30.000m 1ch 10.808yd
31.000m 1ch 11.902yd
32.000m 1ch 12.996yd
33.000m 1ch 14.089yd
34.000m 1ch 15.183yd
35.000m 1ch 16.276yd
36.000m 1ch 17.370yd
37.000m 1ch 18.464yd
38.000m 1ch 19.557yd
39.000m 1ch 20.651yd
Meters Chains
40.000m 1ch 21.744yd
41.000m 2ch 0.83806yd
42.000m 2ch 1.9317yd
43.000m 2ch 3.0253yd
44.000m 2ch 4.1189yd
45.000m 2ch 5.2125yd
46.000m 2ch 6.3061yd
47.000m 2ch 7.3997yd
48.000m 2ch 8.4933yd
49.000m 2ch 9.5869yd
50.000m 2ch 10.681yd
51.000m 2ch 11.774yd
52.000m 2ch 12.868yd
53.000m 2ch 13.961yd
54.000m 2ch 15.055yd
55.000m 2ch 16.149yd
56.000m 2ch 17.242yd
57.000m 2ch 18.336yd
58.000m 2ch 19.429yd
59.000m 2ch 20.523yd
60.000m2ch 21.617yd
61.000m3ch 0.71028yd
62.000m3ch 1.8039yd
63.000m3ch 2.8975yd
64.000m3ch 3.9911yd
65.000m3ch 5.0847yd
66.000m3ch 6.1783yd
67.000m3ch 7.2719yd
68.000m3ch 8.3656yd
69.000m3ch 9.4592yd
70.000m3ch 10.553yd
71.000m3ch 11.646yd
72.000m3ch 12.740yd
73.000m3ch 13.834yd
74.000m3ch 14.927yd
75.000m3ch 16.021yd
76.000m3ch 17.114yd
77.000m3ch 18.208yd
78.000m3ch 19.302yd
79.000m3ch 20.395yd