Meters to Feet (m to ft)

Feet to Meters (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Meters to Feet formula

ft =
m * 3.2808
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More information: Meters
More information: Feet


1 m is equivalent to 1.0936 yards, or 39.370 inches.

Since 1983, the metre has been officially defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second.


Meters to Feet formula

ft =
m * 3.2808


The foot is a unit of length used in the imperial and U.S. customary measurement systems, representing 1/3 of a yard, and is subdivided into twelve inches.


Meters to Feet table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000m-65ft -7.4016in
-19.000m-62ft -4.0315in
-18.000m-59ft -0.66142in
-17.000m-55ft -9.2913in
-16.000m-52ft -5.9213in
-15.000m-49ft -2.5512in
-14.000m-45ft -11.181in
-13.000m-42ft -7.8110in
-12.000m-39ft -4.4409in
-11.000m-36ft -1.0709in
-10.000m-32ft -9.7008in
-9.0000m-29ft -6.3307in
-8.0000m-26ft -2.9606in
-7.0000m-22ft -11.591in
-6.0000m-19ft -8.2205in
-5.0000m-16ft -4.8504in
-4.0000m-13ft -1.4803in
-3.0000m-9ft -10.110in
-2.0000m-6ft -6.7402in
-1.0000m-3ft -3.3701in
Meters Feet
0.0000m 0ft 0.0000in
1.0000m 3ft 3.3701in
2.0000m 6ft 6.7402in
3.0000m 9ft 10.110in
4.0000m 13ft 1.4803in
5.0000m 16ft 4.8504in
6.0000m 19ft 8.2205in
7.0000m 22ft 11.591in
8.0000m 26ft 2.9606in
9.0000m 29ft 6.3307in
10.000m 32ft 9.7008in
11.000m 36ft 1.0709in
12.000m 39ft 4.4409in
13.000m 42ft 7.8110in
14.000m 45ft 11.181in
15.000m 49ft 2.5512in
16.000m 52ft 5.9213in
17.000m 55ft 9.2913in
18.000m 59ft 0.66142in
19.000m 62ft 4.0315in
Meters Feet
20.000m 65ft 7.4016in
21.000m 68ft 10.772in
22.000m 72ft 2.1417in
23.000m 75ft 5.5118in
24.000m 78ft 8.8819in
25.000m 82ft 0.25197in
26.000m 85ft 3.6220in
27.000m 88ft 6.9921in
28.000m 91ft 10.362in
29.000m 95ft 1.7323in
30.000m 98ft 5.1024in
31.000m 101ft 8.4724in
32.000m 104ft 11.843in
33.000m 108ft 3.2126in
34.000m 111ft 6.5827in
35.000m 114ft 9.9528in
36.000m 118ft 1.3228in
37.000m 121ft 4.6929in
38.000m 124ft 8.0630in
39.000m 127ft 11.433in
Meters Feet
40.000m 131ft 2.8032in
41.000m 134ft 6.1732in
42.000m 137ft 9.5433in
43.000m 141ft 0.91339in
44.000m 144ft 4.2835in
45.000m 147ft 7.6535in
46.000m 150ft 11.024in
47.000m 154ft 2.3937in
48.000m 157ft 5.7638in
49.000m 160ft 9.1339in
50.000m 164ft 0.50394in
51.000m 167ft 3.8740in
52.000m 170ft 7.2441in
53.000m 173ft 10.614in
54.000m 177ft 1.9843in
55.000m 180ft 5.3543in
56.000m 183ft 8.7244in
57.000m 187ft 0.094492in
58.000m 190ft 3.4646in
59.000m 193ft 6.8346in
60.000m196ft 10.205in
61.000m200ft 1.5748in
62.000m203ft 4.9449in
63.000m206ft 8.3150in
64.000m209ft 11.685in
65.000m213ft 3.0551in
66.000m216ft 6.4252in
67.000m219ft 9.7953in
68.000m223ft 1.1654in
69.000m226ft 4.5354in
70.000m229ft 7.9055in
71.000m232ft 11.276in
72.000m236ft 2.6457in
73.000m239ft 6.0158in
74.000m242ft 9.3858in
75.000m246ft 0.75591in
76.000m249ft 4.1260in
77.000m252ft 7.4961in
78.000m255ft 10.866in
79.000m259ft 2.2362in