Inches to Miles (in to mi)


Miles to Inches (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Inches to Miles formula

mi =
in * 0.000015783
Show working
Show result in exponential format
More information: Inches


Use of the inch can be traced back as far as the 7th century. The first explicit definition we could find of its length was after 1066 when it was defined as the length of three barleycorns. This was not a satisfactory reference as barleycorn lengths vary naturally. The British Standards Institute defined the inch as 25.4mm in 1930 in the document "Metric Units in Engineering: Going SI". In March 1932 the American Standards Association were asked to rule on whether to adopt the same value (at the time the American inch was 1/.03937 mm which approximated to 25.400051 mm). Because the values were so close, and because Britain has already settled on that value, the ASA adopted this value on March 13, 1933.


Inches to Miles formula

mi =
in * 0.000015783


A unit of length equal to 1760 yards


Inches to Miles table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
Inches Miles
0in 0.00mi
1in 0.00mi
2in 0.00mi
3in 0.00mi
4in 0.00mi
5in 0.00mi
6in 0.00mi
7in 0.00mi
8in 0.00mi
9in 0.00mi
10in 0.00mi
11in 0.00mi
12in 0.00mi
13in 0.00mi
14in 0.00mi
15in 0.00mi
16in 0.00mi
17in 0.00mi
18in 0.00mi
19in 0.00mi
Inches Miles
20in 0.00mi
21in 0.00mi
22in 0.00mi
23in 0.00mi
24in 0.00mi
25in 0.00mi
26in 0.00mi
27in 0.00mi
28in 0.00mi
29in 0.00mi
30in 0.00mi
31in 0.00mi
32in 0.00mi
33in 0.00mi
34in 0.00mi
35in 0.00mi
36in 0.00mi
37in 0.00mi
38in 0.00mi
39in 0.00mi
Inches Miles
40in 0.00mi
41in 0.00mi
42in 0.00mi
43in 0.00mi
44in 0.00mi
45in 0.00mi
46in 0.00mi
47in 0.00mi
48in 0.00mi
49in 0.00mi
50in 0.00mi
51in 0.00mi
52in 0.00mi
53in 0.00mi
54in 0.00mi
55in 0.00mi
56in 0.00mi
57in 0.00mi
58in 0.00mi
59in 0.00mi