Troy Ounces to Ounces (t oz to oz)

Ounces to Troy Ounces (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Troy Ounces to Ounces formula

oz =
t oz * 1.0971
Show working
Show result in exponential format

Troy Ounces

A unit of apothecary weight equal to 480 grains or one twelfth of a troy pound


Troy Ounces to Ounces formula

oz =
t oz * 1.0971


A unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 16 drams or 28.349 grams


Troy Ounces to Ounces table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000t oz-21.943oz
-19.000t oz-20.846oz
-18.000t oz-19.749oz
-17.000t oz-18.651oz
-16.000t oz-17.554oz
-15.000t oz-16.457oz
-14.000t oz-15.360oz
-13.000t oz-14.263oz
-12.000t oz-13.166oz
-11.000t oz-12.069oz
-10.000t oz-10.971oz
-9.0000t oz-9.8743oz
-8.0000t oz-8.7771oz
-7.0000t oz-7.6800oz
-6.0000t oz-6.5829oz
-5.0000t oz-5.4857oz
-4.0000t oz-4.3886oz
-3.0000t oz-3.2914oz
-2.0000t oz-2.1943oz
-1.0000t oz-1.0971oz
Troy Ounces Ounces
0.0000t oz 0.0000oz
1.0000t oz 1.0971oz
2.0000t oz 2.1943oz
3.0000t oz 3.2914oz
4.0000t oz 4.3886oz
5.0000t oz 5.4857oz
6.0000t oz 6.5829oz
7.0000t oz 7.6800oz
8.0000t oz 8.7771oz
9.0000t oz 9.8743oz
10.000t oz 10.971oz
11.000t oz 12.069oz
12.000t oz 13.166oz
13.000t oz 14.263oz
14.000t oz 15.360oz
15.000t oz 16.457oz
16.000t oz 17.554oz
17.000t oz 18.651oz
18.000t oz 19.749oz
19.000t oz 20.846oz
Troy Ounces Ounces
20.000t oz 21.943oz
21.000t oz 23.040oz
22.000t oz 24.137oz
23.000t oz 25.234oz
24.000t oz 26.331oz
25.000t oz 27.429oz
26.000t oz 28.526oz
27.000t oz 29.623oz
28.000t oz 30.720oz
29.000t oz 31.817oz
30.000t oz 32.914oz
31.000t oz 34.011oz
32.000t oz 35.109oz
33.000t oz 36.206oz
34.000t oz 37.303oz
35.000t oz 38.400oz
36.000t oz 39.497oz
37.000t oz 40.594oz
38.000t oz 41.691oz
39.000t oz 42.789oz
Troy Ounces Ounces
40.000t oz 43.886oz
41.000t oz 44.983oz
42.000t oz 46.080oz
43.000t oz 47.177oz
44.000t oz 48.274oz
45.000t oz 49.371oz
46.000t oz 50.469oz
47.000t oz 51.566oz
48.000t oz 52.663oz
49.000t oz 53.760oz
50.000t oz 54.857oz
51.000t oz 55.954oz
52.000t oz 57.051oz
53.000t oz 58.149oz
54.000t oz 59.246oz
55.000t oz 60.343oz
56.000t oz 61.440oz
57.000t oz 62.537oz
58.000t oz 63.634oz
59.000t oz 64.731oz
60.000t oz65.829oz
61.000t oz66.926oz
62.000t oz68.023oz
63.000t oz69.120oz
64.000t oz70.217oz
65.000t oz71.314oz
66.000t oz72.411oz
67.000t oz73.509oz
68.000t oz74.606oz
69.000t oz75.703oz
70.000t oz76.800oz
71.000t oz77.897oz
72.000t oz78.994oz
73.000t oz80.091oz
74.000t oz81.189oz
75.000t oz82.286oz
76.000t oz83.383oz
77.000t oz84.480oz
78.000t oz85.577oz
79.000t oz86.674oz