Troy Ounces to Grams (t oz to g)

Grams to Troy Ounces (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Troy Ounces to Grams formula

g =
t oz
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Troy Ounces

A unit of apothecary weight equal to 480 grains or one twelfth of a troy pound


Troy Ounces to Grams formula

g =
t oz


A metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram


Troy Ounces to Grams table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000t oz-622.07g
-19.000t oz-590.97g
-18.000t oz-559.86g
-17.000t oz-528.76g
-16.000t oz-497.66g
-15.000t oz-466.55g
-14.000t oz-435.45g
-13.000t oz-404.35g
-12.000t oz-373.24g
-11.000t oz-342.14g
-10.000t oz-311.03g
-9.0000t oz-279.93g
-8.0000t oz-248.83g
-7.0000t oz-217.72g
-6.0000t oz-186.62g
-5.0000t oz-155.52g
-4.0000t oz-124.41g
-3.0000t oz-93.310g
-2.0000t oz-62.207g
-1.0000t oz-31.103g
Troy Ounces Grams
0.0000t oz 0.0000g
1.0000t oz 31.103g
2.0000t oz 62.207g
3.0000t oz 93.310g
4.0000t oz 124.41g
5.0000t oz 155.52g
6.0000t oz 186.62g
7.0000t oz 217.72g
8.0000t oz 248.83g
9.0000t oz 279.93g
10.000t oz 311.03g
11.000t oz 342.14g
12.000t oz 373.24g
13.000t oz 404.35g
14.000t oz 435.45g
15.000t oz 466.55g
16.000t oz 497.66g
17.000t oz 528.76g
18.000t oz 559.86g
19.000t oz 590.97g
Troy Ounces Grams
20.000t oz 622.07g
21.000t oz 653.17g
22.000t oz 684.28g
23.000t oz 715.38g
24.000t oz 746.48g
25.000t oz 777.59g
26.000t oz 808.69g
27.000t oz 839.79g
28.000t oz 870.90g
29.000t oz 902.00g
30.000t oz 933.10g
31.000t oz 964.21g
32.000t oz 995.31g
33.000t oz 1026.4g
34.000t oz 1057.5g
35.000t oz 1088.6g
36.000t oz 1119.7g
37.000t oz 1150.8g
38.000t oz 1181.9g
39.000t oz 1213.0g
Troy Ounces Grams
40.000t oz 1244.1g
41.000t oz 1275.2g
42.000t oz 1306.3g
43.000t oz 1337.4g
44.000t oz 1368.6g
45.000t oz 1399.7g
46.000t oz 1430.8g
47.000t oz 1461.9g
48.000t oz 1493.0g
49.000t oz 1524.1g
50.000t oz 1555.2g
51.000t oz 1586.3g
52.000t oz 1617.4g
53.000t oz 1648.5g
54.000t oz 1679.6g
55.000t oz 1710.7g
56.000t oz 1741.8g
57.000t oz 1772.9g
58.000t oz 1804.0g
59.000t oz 1835.1g
60.000t oz1866.2g
61.000t oz1897.3g
62.000t oz1928.4g
63.000t oz1959.5g
64.000t oz1990.6g
65.000t oz2021.7g
66.000t oz2052.8g
67.000t oz2083.9g
68.000t oz2115.0g
69.000t oz2146.1g
70.000t oz2177.2g
71.000t oz2208.3g
72.000t oz2239.5g
73.000t oz2270.6g
74.000t oz2301.7g
75.000t oz2332.8g
76.000t oz2363.9g
77.000t oz2395.0g
78.000t oz2426.1g
79.000t oz2457.2g