US Barrels (Oil) to Liters

Liters to US Barrels (Oil) (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

US Barrels (Oil) to Liters formula

L =
US bbl oil
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US Barrels (Oil)

US measurement of volume for petroleum. See also US liquid barrels, US federal barrels, US dry barrels and UK barrels.


US Barrels (Oil) to Liters formula

L =
US bbl oil


Basic unit of volume in the metric system. A liter of water weighs one kilogram.


US Barrels (Oil) to Liters table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000US bbl oil-3179.7L
-19.000US bbl oil-3020.8L
-18.000US bbl oil-2861.8L
-17.000US bbl oil-2702.8L
-16.000US bbl oil-2543.8L
-15.000US bbl oil-2384.8L
-14.000US bbl oil-2225.8L
-13.000US bbl oil-2066.8L
-12.000US bbl oil-1907.8L
-11.000US bbl oil-1748.9L
-10.000US bbl oil-1589.9L
-9.0000US bbl oil-1430.9L
-8.0000US bbl oil-1271.9L
-7.0000US bbl oil-1112.9L
-6.0000US bbl oil-953.92L
-5.0000US bbl oil-794.94L
-4.0000US bbl oil-635.95L
-3.0000US bbl oil-476.96L
-2.0000US bbl oil-317.97L
-1.0000US bbl oil-158.99L
US Barrels (Oil) Liters
0.0000US bbl oil 0.0000L
1.0000US bbl oil 158.99L
2.0000US bbl oil 317.97L
3.0000US bbl oil 476.96L
4.0000US bbl oil 635.95L
5.0000US bbl oil 794.94L
6.0000US bbl oil 953.92L
7.0000US bbl oil 1112.9L
8.0000US bbl oil 1271.9L
9.0000US bbl oil 1430.9L
10.000US bbl oil 1589.9L
11.000US bbl oil 1748.9L
12.000US bbl oil 1907.8L
13.000US bbl oil 2066.8L
14.000US bbl oil 2225.8L
15.000US bbl oil 2384.8L
16.000US bbl oil 2543.8L
17.000US bbl oil 2702.8L
18.000US bbl oil 2861.8L
19.000US bbl oil 3020.8L
US Barrels (Oil) Liters
20.000US bbl oil 3179.7L
21.000US bbl oil 3338.7L
22.000US bbl oil 3497.7L
23.000US bbl oil 3656.7L
24.000US bbl oil 3815.7L
25.000US bbl oil 3974.7L
26.000US bbl oil 4133.7L
27.000US bbl oil 4292.7L
28.000US bbl oil 4451.6L
29.000US bbl oil 4610.6L
30.000US bbl oil 4769.6L
31.000US bbl oil 4928.6L
32.000US bbl oil 5087.6L
33.000US bbl oil 5246.6L
34.000US bbl oil 5405.6L
35.000US bbl oil 5564.6L
36.000US bbl oil 5723.5L
37.000US bbl oil 5882.5L
38.000US bbl oil 6041.5L
39.000US bbl oil 6200.5L
US Barrels (Oil) Liters
40.000US bbl oil 6359.5L
41.000US bbl oil 6518.5L
42.000US bbl oil 6677.5L
43.000US bbl oil 6836.5L
44.000US bbl oil 6995.4L
45.000US bbl oil 7154.4L
46.000US bbl oil 7313.4L
47.000US bbl oil 7472.4L
48.000US bbl oil 7631.4L
49.000US bbl oil 7790.4L
50.000US bbl oil 7949.4L
51.000US bbl oil 8108.4L
52.000US bbl oil 8267.3L
53.000US bbl oil 8426.3L
54.000US bbl oil 8585.3L
55.000US bbl oil 8744.3L
56.000US bbl oil 8903.3L
57.000US bbl oil 9062.3L
58.000US bbl oil 9221.3L
59.000US bbl oil 9380.3L
60.000US bbl oil9539.2L
61.000US bbl oil9698.2L
62.000US bbl oil9857.2L
63.000US bbl oil10016L
64.000US bbl oil10175L
65.000US bbl oil10334L
66.000US bbl oil10493L
67.000US bbl oil10652L
68.000US bbl oil10811L
69.000US bbl oil10970L
70.000US bbl oil11129L
71.000US bbl oil11288L
72.000US bbl oil11447L
73.000US bbl oil11606L
74.000US bbl oil11765L
75.000US bbl oil11924L
76.000US bbl oil12083L
77.000US bbl oil12242L
78.000US bbl oil12401L
79.000US bbl oil12560L