Cubic Inches to Cubic Yards (in³ to yd³)

Cubic Yards to Cubic Inches (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Cubic Inches to Cubic Yards formula

yd³ =
in³ * 0.000021433
Show working
Show result in exponential format

Cubic Inches

A unit of measurement for volume. It represents an area one inch long, by one inch wide, by one inch deep.


Cubic Inches to Cubic Yards formula

yd³ =
in³ * 0.000021433


Cubic Inches to Cubic Yards table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
Cubic Inches Cubic Yards
0in³ 0.00yd³
1in³ 0.00yd³
2in³ 0.00yd³
3in³ 0.00yd³
4in³ 0.00yd³
5in³ 0.00yd³
6in³ 0.00yd³
7in³ 0.00yd³
8in³ 0.00yd³
9in³ 0.00yd³
10in³ 0.00yd³
11in³ 0.00yd³
12in³ 0.00yd³
13in³ 0.00yd³
14in³ 0.00yd³
15in³ 0.00yd³
16in³ 0.00yd³
17in³ 0.00yd³
18in³ 0.00yd³
19in³ 0.00yd³
Cubic Inches Cubic Yards
20in³ 0.00yd³
21in³ 0.00yd³
22in³ 0.00yd³
23in³ 0.00yd³
24in³ 0.00yd³
25in³ 0.00yd³
26in³ 0.00yd³
27in³ 0.00yd³
28in³ 0.00yd³
29in³ 0.00yd³
30in³ 0.00yd³
31in³ 0.00yd³
32in³ 0.00yd³
33in³ 0.00yd³
34in³ 0.00yd³
35in³ 0.00yd³
36in³ 0.00yd³
37in³ 0.00yd³
38in³ 0.00yd³
39in³ 0.00yd³
Cubic Inches Cubic Yards
40in³ 0.00yd³
41in³ 0.00yd³
42in³ 0.00yd³
43in³ 0.00yd³
44in³ 0.00yd³
45in³ 0.00yd³
46in³ 0.00yd³
47in³ 0.00yd³
48in³ 0.00yd³
49in³ 0.00yd³
50in³ 0.00yd³
51in³ 0.00yd³
52in³ 0.00yd³
53in³ 0.00yd³
54in³ 0.00yd³
55in³ 0.00yd³
56in³ 0.00yd³
57in³ 0.00yd³
58in³ 0.00yd³
59in³ 0.00yd³