Foot-pounds to Kilowatt-hours

Kilowatt-hours to Foot-pounds (Swap Units)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Foot-pounds to Kilowatt-hours formula

kWh =
ft-lb * 0.00000037662
Show working
Show result in exponential format
More information: Foot-pounds
More information: Kilowatt-hours


One foot pound is the work done by a force of one pounl acting through a distance of one foot, in the direction of the force. It equates to 1.355 817 948 331 4004 joules


Foot-pounds to Kilowatt-hours formula

kWh =
ft-lb * 0.00000037662


A kilowatt hour is equivalent to a power of 1,000 Watts being applied for an hour


Foot-pounds to Kilowatt-hours table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
Foot-pounds Kilowatt-hours
0ft-lb 0.00kWh
1ft-lb 0.00kWh
2ft-lb 0.00kWh
3ft-lb 0.00kWh
4ft-lb 0.00kWh
5ft-lb 0.00kWh
6ft-lb 0.00kWh
7ft-lb 0.00kWh
8ft-lb 0.00kWh
9ft-lb 0.00kWh
10ft-lb 0.00kWh
11ft-lb 0.00kWh
12ft-lb 0.00kWh
13ft-lb 0.00kWh
14ft-lb 0.00kWh
15ft-lb 0.00kWh
16ft-lb 0.00kWh
17ft-lb 0.00kWh
18ft-lb 0.00kWh
19ft-lb 0.00kWh
Foot-pounds Kilowatt-hours
20ft-lb 0.00kWh
21ft-lb 0.00kWh
22ft-lb 0.00kWh
23ft-lb 0.00kWh
24ft-lb 0.00kWh
25ft-lb 0.00kWh
26ft-lb 0.00kWh
27ft-lb 0.00kWh
28ft-lb 0.00kWh
29ft-lb 0.00kWh
30ft-lb 0.00kWh
31ft-lb 0.00kWh
32ft-lb 0.00kWh
33ft-lb 0.00kWh
34ft-lb 0.00kWh
35ft-lb 0.00kWh
36ft-lb 0.00kWh
37ft-lb 0.00kWh
38ft-lb 0.00kWh
39ft-lb 0.00kWh
Foot-pounds Kilowatt-hours
40ft-lb 0.00kWh
41ft-lb 0.00kWh
42ft-lb 0.00kWh
43ft-lb 0.00kWh
44ft-lb 0.00kWh
45ft-lb 0.00kWh
46ft-lb 0.00kWh
47ft-lb 0.00kWh
48ft-lb 0.00kWh
49ft-lb 0.00kWh
50ft-lb 0.00kWh
51ft-lb 0.00kWh
52ft-lb 0.00kWh
53ft-lb 0.00kWh
54ft-lb 0.00kWh
55ft-lb 0.00kWh
56ft-lb 0.00kWh
57ft-lb 0.00kWh
58ft-lb 0.00kWh
59ft-lb 0.00kWh