Milliradians (UK) to Sign

Sign to Milliradians (UK) (Mil (UK) to Sign calculator)


Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.

Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.

Show formula

Milliradians (UK) to Sign formula

Sign =
Mil (UK) * 0.0019099
Show working
Show result in exponential format


Milliradians (UK) to Sign formula

Sign =
Mil (UK) * 0.0019099


Milliradians (UK) to Sign table

Print table
< Smaller Values Larger Values >
-20.000Mil (UK)-0.038197Sign
-19.000Mil (UK)-0.036287Sign
-18.000Mil (UK)-0.034377Sign
-17.000Mil (UK)-0.032468Sign
-16.000Mil (UK)-0.030558Sign
-15.000Mil (UK)-0.028648Sign
-14.000Mil (UK)-0.026738Sign
-13.000Mil (UK)-0.024828Sign
-12.000Mil (UK)-0.022918Sign
-11.000Mil (UK)-0.021008Sign
-10.000Mil (UK)-0.019099Sign
-9.0000Mil (UK)-0.017189Sign
-8.0000Mil (UK)-0.015279Sign
-7.0000Mil (UK)-0.013369Sign
-6.0000Mil (UK)-0.011459Sign
-5.0000Mil (UK)-0.0095493Sign
-4.0000Mil (UK)-0.0076394Sign
-3.0000Mil (UK)-0.0057296Sign
-2.0000Mil (UK)-0.0038197Sign
-1.0000Mil (UK)-0.0019099Sign
Milliradians (UK) Sign
0.0000Mil (UK) 0.0000Sign
1.0000Mil (UK) 0.0019099Sign
2.0000Mil (UK) 0.0038197Sign
3.0000Mil (UK) 0.0057296Sign
4.0000Mil (UK) 0.0076394Sign
5.0000Mil (UK) 0.0095493Sign
6.0000Mil (UK) 0.011459Sign
7.0000Mil (UK) 0.013369Sign
8.0000Mil (UK) 0.015279Sign
9.0000Mil (UK) 0.017189Sign
10.000Mil (UK) 0.019099Sign
11.000Mil (UK) 0.021008Sign
12.000Mil (UK) 0.022918Sign
13.000Mil (UK) 0.024828Sign
14.000Mil (UK) 0.026738Sign
15.000Mil (UK) 0.028648Sign
16.000Mil (UK) 0.030558Sign
17.000Mil (UK) 0.032468Sign
18.000Mil (UK) 0.034377Sign
19.000Mil (UK) 0.036287Sign
Milliradians (UK) Sign
20.000Mil (UK) 0.038197Sign
21.000Mil (UK) 0.040107Sign
22.000Mil (UK) 0.042017Sign
23.000Mil (UK) 0.043927Sign
24.000Mil (UK) 0.045837Sign
25.000Mil (UK) 0.047746Sign
26.000Mil (UK) 0.049656Sign
27.000Mil (UK) 0.051566Sign
28.000Mil (UK) 0.053476Sign
29.000Mil (UK) 0.055386Sign
30.000Mil (UK) 0.057296Sign
31.000Mil (UK) 0.059206Sign
32.000Mil (UK) 0.061115Sign
33.000Mil (UK) 0.063025Sign
34.000Mil (UK) 0.064935Sign
35.000Mil (UK) 0.066845Sign
36.000Mil (UK) 0.068755Sign
37.000Mil (UK) 0.070665Sign
38.000Mil (UK) 0.072575Sign
39.000Mil (UK) 0.074485Sign
Milliradians (UK) Sign
40.000Mil (UK) 0.076394Sign
41.000Mil (UK) 0.078304Sign
42.000Mil (UK) 0.080214Sign
43.000Mil (UK) 0.082124Sign
44.000Mil (UK) 0.084034Sign
45.000Mil (UK) 0.085944Sign
46.000Mil (UK) 0.087854Sign
47.000Mil (UK) 0.089763Sign
48.000Mil (UK) 0.091673Sign
49.000Mil (UK) 0.093583Sign
50.000Mil (UK) 0.095493Sign
51.000Mil (UK) 0.097403Sign
52.000Mil (UK) 0.099313Sign
53.000Mil (UK) 0.10122Sign
54.000Mil (UK) 0.10313Sign
55.000Mil (UK) 0.10504Sign
56.000Mil (UK) 0.10695Sign
57.000Mil (UK) 0.10886Sign
58.000Mil (UK) 0.11077Sign
59.000Mil (UK) 0.11268Sign
60.000Mil (UK)0.11459Sign
61.000Mil (UK)0.11650Sign
62.000Mil (UK)0.11841Sign
63.000Mil (UK)0.12032Sign
64.000Mil (UK)0.12223Sign
65.000Mil (UK)0.12414Sign
66.000Mil (UK)0.12605Sign
67.000Mil (UK)0.12796Sign
68.000Mil (UK)0.12987Sign
69.000Mil (UK)0.13178Sign
70.000Mil (UK)0.13369Sign
71.000Mil (UK)0.13560Sign
72.000Mil (UK)0.13751Sign
73.000Mil (UK)0.13942Sign
74.000Mil (UK)0.14133Sign
75.000Mil (UK)0.14324Sign
76.000Mil (UK)0.14515Sign
77.000Mil (UK)0.14706Sign
78.000Mil (UK)0.14897Sign
79.000Mil (UK)0.15088Sign